Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Reit Income Question About REIT Dividends?

Question about REIT dividends? - reit income

I saw a couple in REIT stocks and dividends Yahoo shows performance blockers N / A My question is whether a REIT law is required to distribute 90% of their taxable income to shareholders, so why not have no dividends?


Barry_Ro... said...

Either Yahoo has any information or thre companies do not make money. Here is a portfolio of REIT My favorites:

http://www.top10traders.com/ViewPortfoli ...

This is http://www.top10traders.com - a great place for learning and practicing the investment.

Barry_Ro... said...

Either Yahoo has any information or thre companies do not make money. Here is a portfolio of REIT My favorites:

http://www.top10traders.com/ViewPortfoli ...

This is http://www.top10traders.com - a great place for learning and practicing the investment.

angrysan... said...

In general, simply means that Yahoo does not provide information to the REIT in question.

traderb5... said...

REITs pay out. The Fund REIT I paid once a year!

shell answer man said...

Yes, they are committed, 90% of profits as dividends, but there are two possibilities regarding Yahoo Finance shows. One, in fact, perhaps as a REIT do not generate income. Which may be able to get the leverage and the cost of borrowing. Secondly, it is possible that Yahoo Finance does not receive any requests from the REIT. The more I think, the more I suspect it is the first - the REIT's nothing gained, after expenses. I REITs All amounts of positive dividends.

You can probably solve the problem by going to Company Profile at Yahoo Finance and click on the link on the homepage of the bottom of this page.

gregory_... said...

Yahoo is terrible numbers. The ratio of dividends in shares prices have probably not changed yet. Look below the historical dividend, to an idea. To barchart.com and enter the amount of annual dividends.

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