Friday, January 29, 2010

Shower With A Friend Video Help For A Bridal Shower Video?

Help for a bridal shower video? - shower with a friend video

Hello, I'm a video from a funeral of my aunt, and I need a good idea for an intro. I have an intro video, but I also wanted to be a welcome / greeting / wish to include (sorta). I have some examples below, but I'm not sure if I should use. If you help me, sounds better, it would be nice. Also, if you can give me that me some links to other, similar to this please post them. Thank you very much!
Here are 2 I found:
A marriage entered a new beginning:
A few start as husband and wife.
A shower is celebrating a happy ending:
The days of single life of a woman.
The world has since been reduced to a garden
How do I plant my joys and harvest.
The contours of my character hardened
To keep in line with the pledge.
My joy soon to a melody
In counterpoint to those for whom I care,
Search profound harmony
Who knows, or could stand alone.
I'll find a longer period of time.
A life more, start the new one!

"A marriageShower marks a very special moment in the life of love - he enjoys the happy moments with friends and family - share the anticipation of a good future - celebrates the love! "


LawDog said...

I like the first one. It is so beautiful.

Whatever your choice, a personal question. If she (the intro), something that people with her personality, which has made the right choice identified.

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