Sunday, January 24, 2010

Drapery Tiebacks What Is The Drapery That Goes Over A Bed Called?

What is the drapery that goes over a bed called? - drapery tiebacks

I am working on translating my work product catalog of Swedish to English. We manufacture interior decoration products, especially furniture, curtains, that sort of thing. But I'm totally stuck on what the English word for one of our products!

The kind of thing that I give a name often used in children's rooms, often equipped with the kindergarten, but not yet, I found one that really gives it a name.

It is generally mild, probably nets, curtains, passing over the bed and can be recovered, normally the curtain on each side.

Here is a picture of this kind of thing I am tempted to call: ...
or ...

(Before you accuse me of advertising, none of these companies come to my site, they are the pictures so good example.)

It is called quite charming in Sweden "Sänghimmel" is the name which means "Bed heaven" or "Bed Sky. But that does &# 039; helps a lot.


cookingq... said...


touhuni said...

Call your privacy

tankpixi... said...


Here are some pictures. ...

ps sofa is an appetizer.

Stonehead 204 said...

I think the word you are looking canopy. Thomas S

loony lovegood said...

I'm pretty sure he speaks on the cover of "bed". That's what it sounds like your description:)

michelle g said...

I think they call it a sofa.

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