Thursday, February 4, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Cat Worming Treatment To Work How Long After Using A Frontline Combo Pipette Flea Treatment On Cats Can You Give A Worming Pill?

How long after using a frontline combo pipette flea treatment on cats can you give a worming pill? - how long does it take for cat worming treatment to work

How do you know that your cat has worms? Have deworming pill from your vet? You should probably call to get an answer to your question.


Joseph's Mommy said...

It's pretty obvious if your cats have worms. They look like small pieces of rice from the target (gross I know). I give the flea treatment (Frontline Plus) and medicine Worm (Drontel) at the same time. Of course, my cat has not always need the medicine of the worm. In general, only if I missed a flea treatment.

Julia said...

With my dog, both are done ... every 3 months, 1 of each month, so forget that! I use the front in the freezer (for dogs!) And I give Melbamax (deworming tablets), both purchased by veterinary surgeons. There is no reason why you can not do at this time.

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