Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What To Write Nice Messages Can You Please Help Me Write A Nice Message..?

Can you please help me write a nice message..? - what to write nice messages

... my friend (a man) is the 21 February 8 do not know, and instant messaging, what to write ... please someone help me


Matthew K said...

Dear (insert name here)
They are 21st well done. within 7 days of 670.08617 is an endless journey around the sun. were about 21 solar revolutions, and are still perish. Congratulations on not dying in the last few years has not tried to dry in the next 52 weeks, as I am love more and more.
Merry Christmas
Best regards
(Your name)

Matthew K said...

Dear (insert name here)
They are 21st well done. within 7 days of 670.08617 is an endless journey around the sun. were about 21 solar revolutions, and are still perish. Congratulations on not dying in the last few years has not tried to dry in the next 52 weeks, as I am love more and more.
Merry Christmas
Best regards
(Your name)

Matthew K said...

Dear (insert name here)
They are 21st well done. within 7 days of 670.08617 is an endless journey around the sun. were about 21 solar revolutions, and are still perish. Congratulations on not dying in the last few years has not tried to dry in the next 52 weeks, as I am love more and more.
Merry Christmas
Best regards
(Your name)

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